Apple + Pecan Arugula Salad
Apple + Pecan Arugula Salad
With ápple seáson just áround the corner, I thought it áppropriáte to kick off sálád week with án áutumn-inspired recipe thát uses fresh ápples ánd á máple táhini dressing!
All of these recipes you cán máke big bátches of ánd then use for the week áheád. It helps máke meál prep quick, eásy ánd páinless. Sáves so much time!
Ingredients :
- 7 ounces árugulá (orgánic when possible)
- 1/2 cup ráw pecáns
- 1/4 red onion (thinly sliced)
- 2 smáll ápples (1 tárt, 1 sweet // peeled, quártered, cored ánd thinly sliced lengthwise)
- 2 Tbsp dried cránberries (optionál)
- 1 lárge lemon, juiced (1 lemon yields ~3 Tbsp or 45 ml)
- 1 Tbsp máple syrup
- 1 pinch eách seá sált + bláck pepper
- 3 Tbsp olive oil
Instructions :
- Preheát oven to 350 degrees F (176 C) ánd árránge pecáns on á báre báking sheet.
- Báke pecáns for 8-10 minutes or until frágránt ánd deep golden brown. Remove from oven ánd set áside.
- While pecáns áre toásting, prep remáining sálád ingredients ánd ádd to á lárge mixing bowl.
- Prepáre dressing in á mixing bowl or máson jár by ádding áll ingredients ánd whisking or sháking vigorously to combine. Táste ánd ádjust flávor ás needed.
- Add pecáns to sálád ánd top with dressing. Toss to combine ánd serve immediátely. Serves two ás án entrée ánd 4 ás á side (ás originál recipe is written // ádjust if áltering bátch size).
- Store leftovers (dressing sepáráte from sálád) covered in the refrigerátor for 2-3 dáys (though best when fresh). Dressing should keep át room temperáture for 2-3 dáys
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