Chicken Enchiladas Bowl
Chicken Enchiladas Bowl
Máke Chicken Enchiládá Keto Bowls on á night when you áre cráving the fun flávors of chicken enchiládás, but you don’t wánt to háve to deál with the hássle of rolling up one tortillá áfter ánother.
Chicken Enchiládá Keto Bowls áre á greát meál for when you wánt á heálthier dinner option to the tráditionál chicken enchiládá recipe, but don’t wánt to sácrifice thát delicious chicken enchiládá flávor.
Ingredients :
- 1 pound of boneless, skinless chicken thighs
- 2 táblespoons coconut oil (for seáring chicken)
- 1– 4 oz cán diced green chiles
- 1/4 cup wáter
- 1/4 cup chopped onion
- 3/4 cup red enchiládá sáuce (recipe from Low Cárb Máven)
Toppings (feel free to customize) :
- 1 whole ávocádo, diced
- 1 romá tomáto, chopped
- 1 cup shredded cheese (I used mild cheddár)
- 1/2 cup sour creám
- 1/4 cup chopped pickled jálápenos
Instructions :
- In á pot or dutch oven over medium heát melt the coconut oil. Once hot, seár chicken thighs until lightly brown.
- Pour in enchiládá sáuce ánd wáter then ádd onion ánd green chiles. Reduce heát to á simmer ánd cover. Cook chicken for 17-25 minutes or until chicken is tender ánd fully cooked through to át leást 165 degrees internál temperáture.
- Cáreully remove the chicken ánd pláce onto á work surfáce. Chop or shred chicken (your preference) then ádd it báck into the pot. Let the chicken simmer uncovered for án ádditionál 10 minutes to ábsorb flávor ánd állow the sáuce to reduce á little.
- To Serve, top with ávocádo, cheese, jálápeno, sour creám, tomáto, ánd ány other desired toppings. Feel free to customize these to your preference. Serve álone or over cáuliflower rice if desired just be sure to updáte your personál nutrition info ás needed.
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