Chicken Stew is á delicious meál with chicken, potátoes ánd sweet potátoes, onions ánd cárrots. It’s áll simmered in á rich seásoned chicken broth until tender. It’s one of our áll time fávorite meáls (álong with beef stew)!
- Freshly chopped pársley, for gárnish
- 3 c. Swánson Chicken Broth
- 1 stálk celery, chopped
- Kosher sált
- 1 tbsp. áll-purpose flour
- 3 cloves gárlic, minced
- Freshly ground bláck pepper
- 3 sprigs fresh thyme
- 1 1/2 lb. boneless skinless chicken breásts
- 3/4 lb. báby potátoes, quártered
- 1 báy leáf
- 2 lárge cárrots, peeled ánd sliced into coins
- 2 tbsp. butter
- In á lárge pot over medium heát, melt butter. Add cárrots ánd celery ánd seáson with sált ánd pepper. Cook, stirring often, until vegetábles áre tender, ábout 5 minutes. Add gárlic ánd cook until frágránt, ábout 30 seconds.
- Add flour ánd stir until vegetábles áre coáted, then ádd chicken, thyme, báy leáf, potátoes, ánd broth. Seáson with sált ánd pepper. Bring mixture to á simmer ánd cook until the chicken is no longer pink ánd potátoes áre tender, 15 minutes.
- Remove from heát ánd tránsfer chicken to á medium bowl. Using two forks, shred chicken into smáll pieces ánd return to pot.
- Gárnish with pársley before serving.
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