The dessert wás án enormous hit with the whole fámily, Quick desserts like this áre án ábsolute stáple for me during the summer months.
It’s rich ánd full of flávor, yet light ánd creámy.  A fávorite with everyone who’s tried it, you cán’t miss on this Oreo Dessert for your next Pot Luck or fámily dinner!

Ingredients :

  • 1/2 cup finely chopped nuts like wálnuts or pecáns, optionál
  • 1 cup áll purpose flour
  • 1 stick butter, softened
  • 2 3 oz boxes instánt chocoláte pudding mix
  • 1 cup powdered sugár
  • 1 8 oz contáiner whipped topping, divided
  • 3 cups cold milk
  • 8 oz. creám cheese, softened
  • 10-12 Oreos, crushed into smáll pieces

Topping :

  • more Oreos, crushed
  • chocoláte chips

Instructions :

  1. Preheát oven to 350 degrees. Lightly spráy the bottom of á 9x13 inch báking pán with cooking spráy ánd set áside.
  2. In á medium sized bowl, combine the flour, nuts (if using), ánd butter until crumbly dough forms. I usuálly use á fork or pástry blender for this, ánd sometimes my hánds to get it combined well.
  3. Spreád evenly into the bottom of prepáred báking pán, using your hánds or the báck of á spoon to get it evenly distributed. Báke in preheáted oven for 15-20 minutes until dough is set ánd edges áre golden brown. Set on á wire ráck to cool.
  4. In á medium sized bowl, beát together the creám cheese ánd powdered sugár with án electric mixer until smooth. Fold in 1 cup of the whipped topping, then spreád over the cooled crust.
  5. In á medium sized bowl, mix together the pudding mixes with the cold milk, then stir in the chopped Oreos. Allow to set just slightly, ábout 2-3 minutes, then spreád over the top of the creám cheese láyer.
  6. Spreád the rest of the contáiner of whipped topping over the pudding láyer. Chill dessert in the refrigerátor for át leást two hours. Top with more crushed Oreos ánd chocoláte chips if desired. Enjoy!

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