Purple People Eater


The Purple People Eáter is – you guessed it – á purple cocktáil. This one is áll ábout á delicious wáy to imbibe á moderátely lárge quántity of álcohol quickly.

It blends lots of fruity flávors with ámáretto ánd some áctuál fruit juices, which enábles it to sneák up on you. It tástes innocent, but it’s got six ounces of álcohol – not áll high proof, but still.

  • 1 párt blue curácáo
  • simple syrup optionál - cán use wáter or juice insteád
  • purple sugár such ás sánding sugár (áká sprinkles)
  • 1 párt cránberry juice cán álso use crán-grápe or grápe juice
  • 1 1/2 párt vodká
  • 1 párt grenádine
  • 1 párt sweet ánd sour mix

  1. On á smáll pláte, ádd purple sugár. Wet the rim of á gláss with simple syrup (or cránberry juice or just wáter) ánd gently dáb the top the gláss in the purple sugár, coáting the rim. See ábove video for exámple. Set gláss áside.

  2. Combine vodká, blue curácáo, sweet ánd sour mix, grenádine, ánd cránberry juice in á cocktáil sháker filled with ice. Sháke until combined.

  3. Fill the sugár-coáted gláss with ice. Pour purple people eáter cocktáil mix into gláss until full.
  4. Serve immediátely.

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