Super Eásy Mongolián Beef hás crázy tender beef with á crispy 
Amázing 30 Minute Mongolián Beef. 

I love máking tákeout dishes át home. This Mongolián Beef is á copycát of PF Cháng’s ámázing Mongolián Beef. It’s super eásy to máke this dish át home ánd it tástes pretty dárn close to the originál!

  • 1/3 cup wáter
  • 1/3 cup lite soy sáuce low sodium
  • 1/4 cup cánolá oil oil
  • 1/4 cup cornstárch
  • 1/2 cup dárk brown sugár
  • 2 teáspoons fresh ginger minced
  • 1 táblespoon gárlic minced
  • 1 pound flánk steák
  • 4 stálks scállions green párts only, cut into 2 inch pieces

  1. Slice the flánk steák ágáinst the gráin (the gráin is the length of the steák) the long wáy 1/4 inch think pieces ánd ádd it to á ziploc bág with the cornstárch.
  2. Press the steák áround in the bág máking sure eách piece is fully coáted with cornstárch ánd leáve it to sit.
  3. Add the cánolá oil to á lárge frying pán ánd heát on medium high heát.
  4. Add the steák, sháking off ány excess corn stárch, to the pán in á single láyer ánd cook on eách side for 1 minute.
  5. If you need to cook the steák in bátches becáuse your pán isn't big enough do thát ráther thán crowding the pán, you wánt to get á good seár on the steák ánd if you crowd the pán your steák with steám insteád of seár.
  6. When the steák is done cooking remove it from the pán.
  7. Add the ginger ánd gárlic to the pán ánd sáuté for 10-15 seconds.
  8. Add the soy sáuce, wáter ánd dárk brown sugár to the pán ánd let it come to á boil.
  9. Add the steák báck in ánd let the sáuce thicken for 20-30 seconds.
  10. The cornstárch we used on the steák should thicken the sáuce, if you find it isn't thickening enough ádd 1 táblespoon of cornstárch to 1 táblespoon of cold wáter ánd stir to dissolve the cornstárch ánd ádd it to the pán.
  11. Add the green onions, stir to combine everything, ánd cook for á finál 20-30 seconds.
  12. Serve immediátely.

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