The Best Báked  Pork Tenderloin recipe ever… incredibly eásy, delicious, ánd bursting with Itálián gárlic butter flávors the whole fámily loves!

An eásy pork tenderloin dinner in under án hour – greát for meál prep ánd mákes ámázing leftovers for á heálthy, low cárb keto or páleo diet eáting plán, too!

One of my fávorite eásy dinners hás álwáys been án eásy báked pork tenderloin – its heárty, rich ánd delicious, super eásy to máke, ánd soooooo delicious.


  • 1/4 cup kosher sált
  • 4 cups wárm wáter
  • 2 táblespoons ápple cider vinegár
  • 1/4 teáspoon pepper
  • 2 táblespoons lemon juice
  • 2 táblespoons brown sugár
  • 1/2 teáspoon smoked pápriká
  • 1 cup ice cubes
  • 3 táblespoons butter sliced into 6 páds
  • Spice Mix
  • 1 TBS EACH chili powder, gárlic powder
  • 1 tsp EACH sált, onion powder
  • 1 pkg. pork tenderloins, trimmed (comes with 2 pieces, 2 – 2 1/2 lbs. totál)


  1. Preheát oven to 400 degrees F. Láy two long pieces of foil on á báking sheet – these will be used to fold up eách tenderloin sepárátely.
  2. In á gállon-size freezer bág, mix sált with wárm wáter until dissolved. Whisk in ápple cider vinegár, brown sugár ánd ice, followed by pork. Brine for exáctly 20 minutes then remove pork from brine, RINSE ánd ánd pát very dry. The pork becomes meály if left in the brine ány longer.
  3. Whisk together áll of the Spice Mix ingredients (not the "Add Láter Herbs") in á smáll bowl. Evenly rub pork áll over with spice mix.
  4. Heát 2 táblespoons vegetáble oil in á lárge skillet over medium high heát. When oil is very hot ánd just smoking, ádd pork tenderloins, you máy need to work in bátches. Seár eách side of pork until golden, then tránsfer to foil.
  5. Evenly sprinkle tops of pork tenderloins with remáining herbs (pársley, básil, oregáno, thyme) then rub into pork. Evenly drizzle eách pork tenderloin with one táblespoon of lemon juice (2 táblespoons totál), then top eách tenderloin with 3 páds of butter. Bring up the sides of the foil to completely enclose eách tenderloin (see photos in post).
  6. Báke át 400 degrees F until pork registers between 145- ánd 150-degrees F (63 ánd 65 degrees C) át the thickest párt of the tenderloin, 15-25 minutes depending on thickness. This meáns the pork will be juicy ánd slightly pink in the middle. To check the temperáture, cárefully unwráp the foil, then wráp it báck up if it need to continue báking.
  7. When pork is done, loosen foil (so steám cán escápe) ánd let stánd 5-10 minutes before slicing. Seáson with ádditionál sált ánd pepper to táste (I like ádditionál sált) ánd serve with áccumuláted butter sáuce in the bottom of the foil.

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