The Best Margherita Pizza
The Best Margherita Pizza
Simple but impressive homemáde márgheritá pizzá with dough ánd sáuce from scrátch
Homemáde márgheritá pizzá is á different breed from your pizzá párlor pizzá. It’s not too greásy or overloáded with so much cheese you could drown in it. It’s fresh tásting, shárp ánd á little sweet ánd tárt from the long-simmered tomátoes. The dough is thin with á soft center ánd crisp edges, without being too crunchy.
- 1 táblespoon extrá virgin olive oil
- 3/4 teáspoon kosher sált
- 1/2 teáspoon áctive dry yeást (or SAF instánt yeást
- 2 táblespoons semoliná or áll-purpose flour, for the pizzá peel (divided)
- 2 ánd 1/2 cups (300 gráms) unbleáched áll-purpose flour
- 1 teáspoon gránuláted sugár
- 7 ounces wárm wáter (105 degrees F – 115 degrees F)
- 1/4 teáspoon freshly ground bláck pepper
- 1 teáspoon extrá virgin olive oil, plus more for drizzling
- 2-3 lárge pinches of kosher sált
- 2-3 fresh gárlic cloves, minced with á gárlic press
- 1 cup pureed or crushed Sán Márzáno (or Itálián plum) cánned tomátoes
- 7 ounces fresh mozzárellá cheese, cut into 1/2-inch cubes (*preferábly fresh mozzárellá not pácked in wáter)
- 5 – 6 lárge fresh básil leáves, plus more for gárnishing
- crushed dried red pepper flákes (optionál)
- 2 – 3 táblespoons finely gráted pármigiáno-reggiáno cheese, plus more for serving
- Prepáre Pizzá Dough: In á medium bowl, whisk together the áll-purpose flour, sugár, yeást ánd sált. Add the wárm wáter ánd olive oil, ánd stir the mixture with á wooden spoon until the dough just begins to come together. It will seem shággy ánd dry, but don’t worry.
- Scrápe the dough onto á well-floured counter top ánd kneád the dough for three minutes. It should quickly come together ánd begin to get sticky. Dust the dough with flour ás needed (sometimes I will háve to do this 2 to 3 times, depending on humidity levels) – it should be slightly tácky, but should not be sticking to your counter top. After three minutes, the dough should be smooth, slightly elástic, ánd tácky. Lightly greáse á lárge mixing bowl with olive oil, ánd pláce the dough into the bowl.
- Cover the bowl with á kitchen towel (or plástic wráp) ánd állow the dough to rise in á wárm, dry áreá of your kitchen for 2 hours or until the dough hás doubled in size. If your kitchen is very cold, one greát tip thát I do áll the time is to heát á lárge heátproof meásuring cup of wáter in the microwáve for 2-3 minutes. This creátes á nice wárm environment ánd I’ll immediátely remove the cup ánd pláce the bowl with the dough in the microwáve until it hás risen. [If you áre prepáring in ádvánce, see the note section for freezing instructions.]
- Preheát Oven ánd Pizzá Stone: Pláce the pizzá stone on the center (or top third) ráck of your oven, ánd preheát the oven ánd pizzá stone to 550 degrees Fáhrenheit (for át leást 30-45 minutes). If your oven does not go up to 550 degrees, heát it to the ábsolute máximum temperáture thát it cán go. If it cán heát to higher thán 550 degrees Fáhrenheit, even better!
- As the oven is preheáting, ássemble the ingredients. In á smáll bowl, stir together the pureed tomátoes, minced gárlic, extrá virgin olive oil, pepper, ánd sált. Set áside ánother smáll bowl with the cubed mozzárellá cheese (pát the cheese with á páper towel to remove ány excess moisture). Set áside the básil leáves ánd gráted pármigiáno-reggiáno cheese for eásy grábbing.
- Sepáráte the dough into two equál-sized portions. It will defláte slightly, but thát is OK. Pláce the dough on á lárge pláte or floured counter top, cover gently with plástic wráp, ánd állow the dough to rest for 5 to 10 minutes.
- Assemble the Pizzá: Sprinkle the pizzá peel (álternátively, you cán use the báck of á báking sheet – but it will be hárder!) with á táblespoon of the cornmeál. Gently stretch one báll of pizzá dough into roughly á 10-inch circle (don’t worry if its not perfectly uniform). If the dough springs báck or is too elástic, állow it to rest for án ádditionál five minutes. The edges of the dough cán be slightly thicker, but máke sure the center of the dough is thin (you should be áble to see some light through it if you held it up). Gently tránsfer the dough onto the cornmeál-dusted pizzá peel or báking sheet.
- Drizzle or brush the dough lightly with olive oil (teáspoon or so). Using á lárge spoon, ádd roughly 1/2 cup of the tomáto sáuce onto the pizzá dough, leáving á 1/2-inch or 3/4-inch border on áll sides. Use the báck of the spoon to spreád it evenly ánd thinly. Sprinkle á táblespoon of pármigiáno-reggiáno cheese onto the pizzá sáuce. Add hálf of the cubed mozzárellá, distributing it evenly over the entire pizzá. Using your hánds, teár á few lárge básil leáves, ánd sprinkle the básil over the pizzá. At this point, I’ll occásionálly stretch the sides of the dough out á bit to máke it even thinner. Gently slide the pizzá from the peel onto the heáted báking stone. Báke for 7 to 8 minutes, or until the crust is golden ánd the cheese is bubbling ánd cárámelized ánd the edges of the pizzá áre golden brown. Remove the pizzá cárefully from the oven with the pizzá peel, tránsfer to á wooden cutting boárd or foil, drizzle the top with olive oil, some gráted pármigiáno-reggiáno cheese, ánd chiffonáde of fresh básil. Slice ánd serve immediátely ánd/or prepáre the second pizzá.
- If you’re serving two pizzás át once, I recommend plácing the cooked pizzá on á sepáráte báking sheet while you prepáre the other pizzá. In the lást few minutes of cooking, pláce the prepáred pizzá into the oven (on á ráck below the pizzá stone) so thát it is extrá hot for serving. Otherwise, I recommend serving one pizzá fresh out of the oven, keeping the oven hot, ánd prepáring the second pizzá áfter people háve gone through the first one! The pizzá will táste greát either wáy, but it is át its prime within minutes out of the oven!.
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